Microwave is electric.................Isn't it????????
I'm kinda parchal to Lazagna, a nice salad, a big loaf of nice french garlic bread. yum
yes your old pal bendrr has gone and done it this time!
i've committed myself to hosting christmas day at my place and that includes cooking a christmas dinner for at least 11 people.. i already planned on my "adopted" family coming over which would be no big deal, just snacks and a few beers.
but this year i spent thanksgiving with my older brother and his family.
Microwave is electric.................Isn't it????????
I'm kinda parchal to Lazagna, a nice salad, a big loaf of nice french garlic bread. yum
I was astounded. My husband tried it a few times. He figured it out. I never would have though.
if i ever find out who invented x-mas lights ill.....well...ill......damn!!!!!!!!
i just spent all f-in afternoon puttin all the lights up and now?...well guess what?...only half the bastards work!!!!!!!!!!!
man i am so frustrated......(sorry)... any1 with any ideas?
Sorry about your frustration Wilda,
#1 Rule.....Plug in and test before you put them up. If they are continuous lights then one is probably burnt out. Or it could be a blown fuse. In the plug there is a little box area to pop out. There will be alittle extra fuse that comes with the lights.
do you still hope to live forever?
I don't know Mini, I've been here 40+ years now and I'm wore out. I really can't imagine doing this for ever.
i started this post under kids and parenting, then i realized that not nearly as many people look under there, so i put it here also.. my stepson lives with his "witness" mother.
he is early teens, and recently baptized (he tells us it is because other kids his age did it) he has heard my son talk about holidays and had no qualms accepting christmas gifts from my family last year.
i think he knows that we are fully "out", though the subject has never been discussed.
Well, I think if life would be a nightmare if he were disfellowshipped at this time, then as loving parents I would say you need to do what you have to, to protect him from disfellowshipping offenses. As much as I longed for Christmas as a kid, I understand what you want to give him. But for what ever reason he got baptized, he did and will have to live with the consequences until he can walk away. He is doing what was expected of him by two parents who brought him into this world as a JW. Things changed and all of a sudden the rules change and he is in the middle of totally oppossing sides. I'm beginning to feel sorry for this little guy. I can see why you want to bring childhood joy to his life, he needs it. But don't rock his little religious boat anymore then you need to right now. He also does not have the emotional know how to play the we're good, she's bad game (please no offense, it's normal in divorces) But since you do not have custody, can not afford to fight for custody don't put him in so much pain by seeing what he can't have, at this time (which is probably why he cries when he leaves, he is being sent back to prison). Love him, support him & assure him of your love. Scully's idea of seasonal decorations was a good comprimise and maybe you could take him to the store and let him pick out some (presents). You can be festive with out being totally obvious. Protect him from the battles he has no weapons for. Just my opinion.
just curious how many people have been the driver in a car/motorcycle accident.
i've been driving for 12 years now and have up and down the east coast numerous times, across country and up and down the west coast numerous times.
plus my commute to work for the past 2 years is 95 miles round trip.
Maybe.....................You're a really good driver!! Congrates! Your insurance company loves you.
I've been in a few small ones where some one else was driving. I have only been the cause of one where I skidded in the back end of a Saturn with a Cavelier. Far more damage to my car (front end was all plastic) Her car had two scratches on the bumper, but it did compress her bumper. I had plenty of room to stop but just skidded on dry road. I felt so bad for her, she was a nurse who had just worked all night with the flu and couldn't wait to get home and go to sleep.
To add to the question, do men react differant then women in a wreck? I was crying and we were hugging making sure each other was okay.
i started this post under kids and parenting, then i realized that not nearly as many people look under there, so i put it here also.. my stepson lives with his "witness" mother.
he is early teens, and recently baptized (he tells us it is because other kids his age did it) he has heard my son talk about holidays and had no qualms accepting christmas gifts from my family last year.
i think he knows that we are fully "out", though the subject has never been discussed.
Wow............What a dilema. I totally see both sides and they weigh equally. There is alot to lose. Usually when things are so close it helps to make a list of pro's and con's. I helps you to see things a little clearer, what appears to be equal may not be so much when written side by side. When all else fails I flip a coin and stand by that decission.
Is it possible to not do things until he comes. Before he goes to your house take him out to eat or something and have a talk with him. Kids are pretty smart. Let him know your dilema in an age appropriate level. Let him see all the sides and the problems that may arise. Let him know you respect him and his beliefs and you don't want him to be in the middle or feel he has to hide anything or be interrigated (because that would cause things to be severed), or leave him with a conscience he can't live with. (May be you could have a Conscience Christmas, witnesses do it all the time, have as much Christmas as he can live with and not spill the beans. I think you said he is a dedicated baptized witness, he has much to lose also) If after hearing the different sides he wants to go for it, then you have some family fun putting Christmas together. If he can't then there will be other Christmases (I know you are excited to get on with life, but you do have much to lose right now, is it worth it? would next year be easier?)
I repeat, Wow ............What a dilema. Good Luck.
well, wel, well.i've reached my first 100th post.
so tell me; how many more do i have to contribute to make jedi?
then it's onwards and upwards to emporer, then...then.......god!!!!!!!.
Congrates Alfie on hittin 100,
I know how good it feels. I was so excited to get to 100 but it did take me much longer then you. I just past 200 and didn't even notice for a little while. Second hundred is much faster. Have fun with your next 900 to Jedi.
Edited by - Been There on 24 November 2002 17:9:35
good quality not too fancy edited by - fulano on 24 november 2002 5:0:39.
A Timex..............It takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'.
i see lots of people posting threads about their new toys.
mostly male, trucks, motorcycles stuff like that.
this afternoon while making lattes for mulan and big red, my espresso machine became quite rude with me.
By the time a model gets so old if it hasn't been "pre-loved" then that model must have had some serious defects to start with. I have been told that "Factory Reconditioned" is as good as new.